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Lemonade is the surefire cure for every dangerous disease

In today's lifestyle, most people have become very serious about health. However, if health-enhancing things are also eaten unnecessarily and in excess, then it can be fatal. Therefore, before eating any item, complete information should be taken about it. Many people consume lemonade for weight loss and strength as soon as they wake up, but it can also have the opposite effect on health. Apart from this, people often eat sour things to improve the difficulty of gas and indigestion. For your information, let us tell you that drinking more sour things like pickle, sourness, tamarind, orange, amla, curd and lemonade can cause many stomach problems. Let us tell you what diseases you may have to face due to eating too much sour food.

Many people like to drink lemonade. In such a situation, people who drink more lemonade may have stomach pain. Actually lemon contains citric acid and our body is unable to tolerate it in large quantities. Therefore, foods containing citric acid should be taken after meals. The reason behind this is also that our body has a certain capacity, above that our body is unable to tolerate the amount of exorbic acids. This is the reason why drinking too much lemon water can cause stomach problems.

Constipation or constipation is also caused by eating more sour food. Not getting the waste out of the body properly can become a serious problem. Due to constipation, heaviness in the stomach and bloating or tightness of the stomach can be felt. Along with this, there is also pain in the stomach. Eating sour things like pickle, sourness, tamarind, orange and gooseberry is good for the body, but by eating too much, gas starts forming in the stomach, which leads to stomach problems. Nothing sour should be eaten on an empty stomach.

Read more- Why do most people suffer from stomach problems during Ramadan? Find out the causes of these problems and easy home remedies

*Urinary tract infection
Most of the urinary tract infections that occur in girls are caused by excessively sour food. Actually, by eating more sour things, the pH level of our body becomes useless and it becomes a major reason for vaginal infection in girls and women. Any change in the body on our urinary tract has a different effect, which is commonly called infection by people. These infections are related to our lifestyle, whether it is due to cleanliness or things related to food and drink.

Yogurt is very beneficial for the stomach. People feel very relaxed and good by eating curd during the summer season, but do you know that eating curd on an empty stomach can harm you. Consuming curd on an empty stomach increases acidity and can also lead to ulcer problems later on. Taking curd on an empty stomach neutralizes the benefits of the bacteria present in it. Sour food can be a major cause of ulcers.

*Damage to the good bacteria of the
body There are some good bacteria in our body, which are found in our intestines. Eating more sour things damages these good-bacteria. Due to this, everything from the pH level of our stomach to the digestive power becomes weak. Therefore, while eating lemonade, tomato, tamarind and pickle, definitely take care of the ratio of time and food.

*kidney stone 
The most important health benefit of lemon water is its relief from kidney stones. Mainly kidney stones pass out of the body without any problem, but in some cases they block the flow of urine which causes extreme pain. Drinking lemon water helps in rehydrating the body and it helps in keeping the urine thin. Also, it reduces the risk of any kind of kidney stone formation. *Gum problem:  Drinking lemon water gives relief from gum problems. Drinking lemon water mixed with a pinch of salt gives better results.

Lemonade is considered a better alternative to high sugar juices and drinks. Especially for those who are diabetic patients or want to lose weight. It rehydrates and energizes the body without raising the sugar to serious levels.

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